Who am I?
I am life student, I love learning about the human body. I find it absolutely fascinating.
I grew up on a farm and it started with the love of biology and anatomy of all living creatures. Then I started my own health and fitness journey/discovery. I took my CrossFit coaching course and my yoga teacher training, both being excellent but barely touching the surface of information that I was looking for. I took my holistic natural nutrition course and completed my schooling and training to be a certified Rolfer. Getting a little bit deeper and I love they way both of these modalities look at the body as a whole unit. This made me realize that most people take better care of the car they drive than the one thing we have till the day we die, our body. Then I went back to school for Osteopathy and it has opened a whole bunch of avenues for cranial and visceral knowledge and I love it.
The best part of my work is to help people feel better in their body in anyway that I can.